Have you ever wondered how sustainable production processes affect the quality of the food that ends up on your table daily? The EU’s “Farm to Fork” strategy provides a coherent and safe food supply system that you can rely on every day. Discover the key principles of this policy and learn how it impacts the high quality of EU-sourced food.
What is the “Farm to Fork” strategy?
“Farm to Fork” (F2F) is an ambitious 10-year plan unveiled by the European Commission in May 2020. It defines a fair, safe, and environmentally friendly food production system. The main goals of the strategy include:
- Sustainable production of safe food;
- Promoting conscious food choices and a healthy, balanced diet;
- Reducing food loss and waste.1
How does the “Farm to Fork” strategy affect the entire food supply chain?
F2F covers all stages of the food chain—from production through distribution to consumption. Each EU member state is tasked with implementing the strategy’s recommendations at the national level, translating into tangible changes in everyday food access.
Why is the “Farm to Fork” strategy so important for the EU?
It is the first policy of its kind to change the approach to the food production system in Europe. Instead of dispersed actions, it focuses on a holistic approach, combining aspects of agriculture, environment, health, and trade to ensure the highest quality and safety.2
What does it mean for you?
New regulations ensure that plant and animal products from the EU are of the highest quality. By choosing food aligned with the “Farm to Fork” strategy, you not only take care of yourself but also support sustainable practices that benefit the entire environment. It’s worth seeking out EU products, enjoying their taste and safety.
2K. Kot, „Strategia od Pola do Stołu – jak wpłynie na produkcję żywności”, Biuletyn Bezpieczeństwo żywności w praktyce, 24/2020, https://bezpieczenstwozywnosci.wip.pl/nowosci/strategia-od-pola-do-stolu-jak-wplynie-na-produkcje-zywnosci-3880.html