
Why you should include pork in your diet?

Pork, known for ribs, bacon, hock, loin, ham, tenderloins, and many other delicious dishes, is not just a culinary delight. It’s also a valuable source of vitamins and minerals essential in our daily diet. This article highlights the benefits of consuming pork, especially sourced from the European Union.

Pork – a favorite among food enthusiasts worldwide

Consumers globally appreciate pork for its versatility and excellent taste. It fits wonderfully in a variety of dishes, from boiling to baking. Marbled pork, with its delicate texture and ideal fat content, is especially prized among food lovers and is an important component of a balanced diet.

Nutritional values of pork

Pork is a key protein source in human diets, providing all the essential amino acids. Pork protein, with its 15-21% content, offers more amino acids than other meats. Additionally, it contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, and other bioactive compounds such as taurine, carnosine, and coenzyme Q10, which are crucial for us.1

Benefits of choosing pork from the EU

EU pork stands out due to its exceptional taste and the highest quality, resulting from strict standards in animal care and feeding. European farmers are committed to stringent hygiene and animal welfare standards, reflecting in the quality of the meat produced.2 Regular checks ensure that EU pork is not only tasty but also safe.

By choosing pork from the EU, you enrich your culinary experiences and support sustainable and ethical food production practices.

1 A. Kołodziej-Skalska, B. Matysiak, M. Grudziński, Mięso wieprzowe a zdrowie człowieka, Kosmos – Problemy nauk biologicznych, 65, 4(313)/2016, p. 536-537
2 Z. Bilski, Warunki utrzymania trzody chlewnej w świetle obowiązujących przepisów, Poznań 2013, p. 5



Discover the “Taste Europe!” journey, a 3-year promotional and informational campaign that brings Europe’s fine flavors directly to you. Focused on beef and pork (fresh, chilled, frozen) as well as apples and their products in Japan, Vietnam and Singapore, we invite you to experience the unparalleled taste and quality that stem from Europe’s optimal conditions and steadfast commitment to animal welfare.

“Taste Europe!” highlights the EU’s cutting-edge food production practices, all adhering to the highest safety standards, such as HACCP, GMP, GHP, GAP, and ISO, ensuring your utmost confidence in our products. This campaign celebrates Europe’s culinary heritage, emphasizing our rigorous standards. It’s about presenting Europe’s premium offerings on the global stage and onto your plate, with a more nuanced and refined approach.