We’re combining iconic Asian street food with exceptional European pork. Read on to see just how delicious it can be!
How does the Common Agricultural Policy in Europe support farmers, the environment, and quality of life in rural areas? Learn about the solutions that shape the exceptional quality of European food.
Check out how European beef can enhance traditional New Year dishes in Japan, Singapore, and Vietnam.
Did you know that soil protection techniques used in European apple orchards influence the flavor of your favorite fruits?
Discover resource-saving technologies in European pork production.
We’re exploring the differences and similarities between Polish pierogi and Japanese, Vietnamese, and Singaporean dumplings!
We’re discovering new flavors by combining European apples with traditional Asian desserts.
Discover European food quality standards!
Does European beef pair well with Asian cuisine? Let’s find out!
Learn how European storage and transportation technologies keep apples fresh, even on their long journey to Asia.
Explore how advanced technological solutions protect the quality and freshness of European pork on its journey to Asian tables.
From Polish zrazy to Vietnamese pho bo – join us on a culinary journey around the world!